Sunday, July 12, 2009

Welcome to the Blog!


Welcome to the unofficial blog of Chapman Forest State Park. Why unofficial? Last time I checked, trees couldn't blog - but they have so much to say.

My name is Josh, and I live near Chapman State Park in Charles County, Maryland. I've gotta say - this park is cool.

An incredibly diverse property, both in flora, fauna, and history, it was almost razed for a massive development. Fortunately for the forest, and the population, this ecological and historical disaster was averted by the hard work of the community. Purchased by the state of Maryland in 1998, it is now preserved for the generations. Rockin'.

Check out the official stats and facts here.

I'm a musician and writer in my mid twenties, and my goal is to provide you with an informal look into the depths of the park, and let you know what's going on in the woods.

Before you fall asleep from this description, I promise it'll be cool. I've got myself a nice camera, and I've been sharpening my sense of wit. So stay tuned!

Err, I'm probably the only dude my age who enjoys birdwatching (the feathered ones, and the females of our species as well), so I'll also be posting any interesting sightings. Of the feathered ones, that is.

If you'd like to contribute to this blog, please drop me an email, and we'll see what we can work out.

The bottom line is, folks: If you're in the area, you owe yourself a visit to this hidden treasure of a park. You'll be blown away - guaranteed!

- Josh

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